Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Backing Storage

Fixed hard disks are used in file servers and are online. Portable hard disks would be used for storing very large files that need to be transported from one device to another. Magnetic tapes are used for backups of file servers for computer networks. CD/DVD ROM are used because data can not be deleted off it whether it be accidental or on purpose. CD/ DVD R is used for the single burning of data. CD/DVD RW allows you to record over old data and update the information. DVD RAM is the same as DVD RW but allows for quicker access and can be overwritten more easily. Blu- ray has a capacity of about 50 GB, provides HD video and is used for storing films in high quality. Solid state backing storage is easily up datable and written and is more robust than other forms of storage. Pen drives can transport files and backup data from computer to computer. Flash memory cards are used in digital cameras, palmtops, mobile phones and MP3 players.

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