Sunday, February 20, 2011

Microsoft Excel

  1. import: .csv (comma seperated value file)- standardised format. Save as Excel Workbook! Open all files!
  2. Absolute and relative cell references-Relative cell references are relative to where you are, the formula changes depending on where you copy and paste it and absolute means it will absolutely always refer to that cell.
  3. Named cells (absolute reference), named ranges (automatic reference e.g. naming list of marks as marks). It makes reading formula's easy. Rather than a whole lost of numbers.
  4. Sum, average, maximum, minimum, integer, rounding, counting, if, lookup
  5. Filtering (cutting down the information), perform searches using AND, OR, NOT, LIKE
  6. Perform searches using wildcards (*or anything)- Broadens searches
  7. Sort data

  • All formula's have equals sign, their name and brackets.
  • Click enter when naming cells

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