Sunday, February 20, 2011

Microsoft Excel

  1. import: .csv (comma seperated value file)- standardised format. Save as Excel Workbook! Open all files!
  2. Absolute and relative cell references-Relative cell references are relative to where you are, the formula changes depending on where you copy and paste it and absolute means it will absolutely always refer to that cell.
  3. Named cells (absolute reference), named ranges (automatic reference e.g. naming list of marks as marks). It makes reading formula's easy. Rather than a whole lost of numbers.
  4. Sum, average, maximum, minimum, integer, rounding, counting, if, lookup
  5. Filtering (cutting down the information), perform searches using AND, OR, NOT, LIKE
  6. Perform searches using wildcards (*or anything)- Broadens searches
  7. Sort data

  • All formula's have equals sign, their name and brackets.
  • Click enter when naming cells

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Storage Devices

Hard Disk (fixed):

Solid state backing storage: 

Portable Hard disk: Any application which requires extremely large storage capacity and speed of access is not an issue

Output Devices

Graph Plotters: CAD applications, particularly where large printouts are required such as A0

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Input devices

Magnetic Stripe Readers: At POS terminals, ATMs and in security applications
Graphics Tablet: Inputting freehand drawings or retouch photographs
MICR (Magnetic ink character recognition): 

OMR (Optical Mark Reader): Inputting pencil marks on a form such as a school register, candidate exam answers, any application involving input of a choice of options
OCR (Optical character reader): Inputting text to a computer ready for processing by another software package such as word processors, spreadsheets, databases etc.

Light Pens: Where desktop space is limited, it is used instead of a mouse or for drawing applications where a graphics tablet might be too big.

Monday, February 14, 2011

IGCSE Theory

Section 1


The physical components of the system. For example a phone.


Set of commands that are processed for an output. For example utility software which is used to change the system (control panel or system preferences). Application software such as Word Processing and Call of Duty. The operating system is also software, it is used so everything such as the printer and word can function and work together.


Input devices: CPU (central processing unit), ROM (read only memory) is non volatile and is permanent, RAM (random access memory) holds what you are currently doing such as playing a game, it's continously changing and is volatile. RAM and ROM are primary memory, secondary storage is the hard drive.

Output devices: Printers such as laser.


GUI's (graphical user interface)  are WIMP's (windows, icons, menu's, pointers) and Command line interface.

Types of Computers

  • The big computer is called a mainframe used for bulk processing.
  • Palmtop otherwise known as a netbook is a small laptop.
  • Normal computer is a personal computer (PC)- desktop computer
  • Personal digital assistant (PDA). An iPhone without the phone.NOT a phone.
Mainframe example: