Tuesday, April 5, 2011


HTML (hypertext markup language) tells the website where to put things on the page for example make the title centered or the picture on the left hand side half way down the page.It is the building blocks of the whole website.

CSS (Cascading Stylesheets) is they styling and design of the website for example all links on this site will be blue or every title has size 42 font. The CSS is the design consultant when the site opens up every time, it tells the site how to appear.

Example of CSS code 
h1 { 

    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; 

    font-size: 18px; 

    font-weight: bold; 

    color: #000000; 

h2 { 

    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; 

    font-size: 16px;

    font-weight: bold; 

    color: #000000; 

    border-bottom: 1px solid #C6EC8C; 


Monday, April 4, 2011


  • Humans strive to get attention through Facebook and status updates, they want more comments to feel more wanted and socially stable.
  • We now feel comfortable telling the world everything
  • We don't care who reads or what their comments say as long as they commented
  • These comments drive us to tell the world more
  •  School Net security systems contradict their own existence by selling info to companies and dictatorships
  • Blocking/ monitoring net activity teaches students that trying to keep private is a bad thing and you should accept that someone needs to know what you are doing. 
  • Feedback must be close to the attempt as possible, you want to do better immediately.
  • Games are popular because the result of your actions is shown to you as you play

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Storage Example Questions

1. Explain why the following are used with PCs.
Pen drives- Portability for transferring files from one computer to another
Blu ray- Large amounts of storage (50GB), bigger than DVD's and HD movies 
Fixed hard disc drives- 

2. Students can use CDs or pen drives for storing their work. Give three reasons why students may prefer to use pen drives.


3. Ring two items which are storage media.
Flash memory card
Graph plotter
Magnetic disc
Touch pad

4. Ring two items which are output devices.
Blu-ray disc 
Optical mark reader 
Graph plotter 
Web cam 
Graphics Tablet 

5. Complete the following sentences using the most suitable storage device or medium listed

(a)memory stick
(b)fixed hard disk drive
(c)DVD R
A student taking his coursework home to develop would use a
A company selling copies of games would use a
An office worker who never took her work home would store her work on a

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Why backup? You back things up to safety proof them in case something happens to all the data you had stored such as it corrupts or is lost in an emergency such as a fire.

Backing Storage

Fixed hard disks are used in file servers and are online. Portable hard disks would be used for storing very large files that need to be transported from one device to another. Magnetic tapes are used for backups of file servers for computer networks. CD/DVD ROM are used because data can not be deleted off it whether it be accidental or on purpose. CD/ DVD R is used for the single burning of data. CD/DVD RW allows you to record over old data and update the information. DVD RAM is the same as DVD RW but allows for quicker access and can be overwritten more easily. Blu- ray has a capacity of about 50 GB, provides HD video and is used for storing films in high quality. Solid state backing storage is easily up datable and written and is more robust than other forms of storage. Pen drives can transport files and backup data from computer to computer. Flash memory cards are used in digital cameras, palmtops, mobile phones and MP3 players.